Celebrating My First Year In Business
One year ago today I left the comforts of a stable job in order to start Wacek Financial Planning. As I expected, there have been numerous challenges that have come with launching a new business. However, the reasons to celebrate have far exceeded any difficulties. On this one year birthday of my company, I wanted to take some time to reflect back on this first year and to give thanks.
Some of the highlights of the first year include:
writing 17 blog posts that have been read by hundreds of people and have provided guidance in several areas of financial planning,
having the opportunity to contribute to articles in U.S. News & World Report, Yahoo, Bankrate, InvestmentNews, and the Wall Street Journal (just this past weekend),
speaking to about 75 AmeriCorps members about creating an automated budget,
co-hosting a “Will Party” for a group of clients and friends that allowed them to get estate planning documents in place for a very reasonable price,
and working with my good friend Jon Zaugg of Driftwood Media to create a video for my website.
While all of the items above have been significant highlights, by far the biggest has been the clients that I have been able to work with over the past year. In all, I’ve had the opportunity to serve exactly 30 different clients (in four countries). I have truly loved the opportunity that I’ve had to work with each of these clients and the work we’ve been able to accomplish together. I’ve helped my clients pay off debt, open Roth IRAs, give more money to organizations they care about, get on a trajectory to retirement, buy a home, save for kid’s college, and to finally have a plan in place for their money.
In addition to thanking these clients, I also want to take the opportunity to thank the XY Planning Network for the invaluable resource that it has been in starting this fee-only financial planning firm without client minimums. And finally, I’d like to thank my wife and daughter for being my biggest fans and for putting up with some late nights and early mornings.
I am looking forward to seeing how God will use me and this business in year two. Thanks for joining me on the ride!